Monday, August 31, 2015

Physical Exercise for Brain Health

Physical Exercise for Brain Health

Physical exercise is not only important for your body's health- it also helps your brain stay sharp.
Physical Exercise for Brain HealthYour brain is no different than rest of the muscles in your body--you either use it or you lose it. You utilize the gym to stimulate the growth of muscle cells, just as you use a brain fitness program to increase connections in your brain. But you can actually get an additional brain boost by donning your sneakers and hitting the gym. The benefits of physical exercise, especially aerobic exercise, have positive effects on brain function on multiple fronts, ranging from the molecular to behavioral level. According to a study done by the Department of Exercise Science at the University of Georgia, even briefly exercising for 20 minutes facilitates information processing and memory functions.
Exercise affects the brain on multiple fronts. It increases heart rate, which pumps more oxygen to the brain. It also aids the bodily release of a plethora of hormones, all of which participate in aiding and providing a nourishing environment for the growth of brain cells.
Exercise stimulates the brain plasticity by stimulating growth of new connections between cells in a wide array of important cortical areas of the brain. Recent research from UCLA demonstrated that exercise increased growth factors in the brain- making it easier for the brain to grow new neuronal connections.
From a behavioral perspective, the same antidepressant-like effects associated with "runner's high" found in humans is associated with a drop in stress hormones. A study from Stockholm showed that the antidepressant effect of running was also associated with more cell growth in the hippocampus, an area of the brain responsible for learning and memory.
The Golden Duo: Mental and Physical Exercise
The usage of physical exercise in conjunction with BrainHQ brain training increases your chances of increasing cognitive functions within parameters, including time of exercise and style of exercise. Interestingly, differences between exercise styles, such as opting for cycling over running, is associated with an enhanced brain function during and after working out. Ballroom dancing, an activity with both physical and mental demands has had a higher impact on cognitive functioning over exercise or mental tasks alone, indicating that the best brain health workouts involve those that integrate different parts of the brain such as coordination, rhythm, and strategy.
Tips for Choosing The Right Physical Exercise
In general, anything that is good for your heart is great for your brain.
Aerobic exercise is great for body and brain: not only does it improve brain function, but it also acts as a "first aid kit" on damaged brain cells.
Exercising in the morning before going to work not only spikes brain activity and prepares you for mental stresses for the rest of the day, but also produces increases retention of new information, and better reaction to complex situations.
When looking to change up your work out, look for an activity that incorporates coordination along with cardiovascular exercise, such as a dance class.
If you like crunching time at the gym alone, opt for circuit work outs, which both quickly spike your heart rate, but also constantly redirect your attention.
Hitting a wall or mentally exhausted? Try rebooting with a few jumping jacks for your brain improvement exercises.
"It's not weight bearing so is good exercise for people with joint problems. It also works all of the major muscle groups in the body."
Swimming also burns calories. The Department of Health guidelines estimate a 60kg person burns around 240 calories in half an hour doing a slow front crawl, which is the same as cycling for the same amount of time at 12 to 14 miles an hour.
If you can already swim and want to add swimming to your fitness programme, but don’t know where to start, the best place is probably your local pool!
Many have special structured gym-style sessions and aquafit lessons. They will also have swimming clubs if you’re ready to tackle the next level of competitive swimming.
With programmes like Swimfit, there’s online backup with videos to demonstrate strokes as well as calorie counters and tips and hints to help achieve your fitness goals.
Open water swimming - not just in a pool
If you think lane swimming and the smell of chlorine in your nostrils is for wimps why not try open water swimming.
This is becoming increasingly popular with events held across the UK with as many as 10 thousand swimmers taking part.

There are plenty of pools and lakes dotted about the UK which have open water swimming events but it may be an idea to wear a wetsuit to keep you warmer. Also don’t swim alone. It’s best to have a buddy in case you get into trouble.

The health and fitness benefits of swimming

The health and fitness benefits of swimming

Going for a dip in the swimming pool doesn’t have to be as gruelling as training for an Olympic medal or cross-channel swim.

We can all set ourselves swimming targets to get us toned and fit as we inch towards summer.
Swimming is a brilliant all-round exercise. It benefits the body and the mind and what’s more it’s fun!

It’s good for your health, good for fitness and can help you lose weight. Whatever your age or ability swimming is an option. If you are nervous in the water it’s never too late to have lessons. Most pools and leisure centres have a range of classes for different ages and abilities.

Swimming is good for your health
Swimming regularly may help reduce the risk of chronic illnesses in some people. It can also make you feel better.

The ASA is the national governing body for all things swimming. It published a report that looked at health and fitness research from around the globe. The evidence shows swimming may help increase your life expectancy and save your life (and that’s not just by stopping you drowning)!
The report called, "Swimming, taking the plunge for a fitter lifestyle", highlights how swimming cuts men’s risk of dying early by about 50% compared to runners, walkers and those who don’t do any activities.

It found regular swimming is also great for both sexes because it is likely to reduce heart disease, stroke and type-2 diabetes by about 535 cases in 100,000 people.

David Sparkes, the ASA Chief Executive, said, "It’s quite simple really. By swimming you’ll be improving your health but more importantly you may actually remember how much fun it is!"
NHS guidelines suggest for health benefits adults should do 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity on five or more days a week.

A 30-minute session at the pool on one or more days a week will count towards your recommended weekly activity target but any amount of time exercising no matter how long or short is good for you.
When you swim you can let your mind float away. Once you get into it, it can become almost like a meditative trance!

The ASA believes that swimming can offer a sense of mental wellbeing; something which can’t easily be measured but is anecdotally mentioned by thousands of participants.
"Swimming clears the mind, encourages positivity in individuals and builds a sense of self worth that is not truly calculable. In short, it can make people feel better."

Fitness and weight loss
For most of us swimming is a safe form of exercise. If you have any worries about your health see your GP before starting swimming.

Swimming can support up to 90% of the body’s weight in the water, so those who are overweight have disabilities or some injuries can take part without putting as much strain on their bodies.
Swimming gives you a full body workout. You use muscles in your legs, core, chest, back, shoulders and hands. If you swim long and hard enough you can create aerobic and anaerobic routines to improve your cardiovascular fitness.

Want to improve your sex life? The better sex diet

Want to improve your sex life? The better sex diet

Let's dispel some myths about traditional aphrodisiacs and focus our diets on the power of green — as in green, leafy vegetables.

Planning a romantic evening? You might think a juicy steak, a good bottle of wine and some chocolate will set the stage. But you'd be wrong.

Saturated fats from meats, alcohol and chocolate are the exact things you'll want to avoid for good sex. Each is filled with chemicals and stimulants that have the opposite effect on libido and performance.

"If the body is spending its time and energy cleaning itself constantly from these chemicals we put in it, it cannot begin to perform at its peak sexually," says Brian Clement, Ph.D., L.N.C., the co-director of the Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach and co-author with his wife of "7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality."

"One-third of young marrieds have fertility problems today and instead of seeing men with performance problems at age 70 the way we did a few decades ago, we now see it at age 40," says Clement. "Fifty percent of 40-year-old men cannot perform."

"Almost everyone we see here at the institute asks about their sexual health," says Anna Maria Clement, PhD, L.N.C., part of the husband-wife duo and co-director at Hippocrates, a leading institute in natural and complementary healthcare.

The Clements attribute heavy metals, air pollution, food toxins, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and soda consumption for contaminating and weakening the cell systems in the body leading to sexual libido and performance issues in both men and women.

Worse, many times Viagra is being used as a recreational drug. The number one user group is now men between 20-28 years old. But Dr. Brian Clement warns that the drug over-stimulates the libido, leaving men who abuse it unable to perform by the time they are in their 30s or 40s.

What can you do to improve your sexual health naturally? Throw out old myths about aphrodisiacs, as we've been accustomed to thinking of them. Named for Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sex and beauty, these include an array of foods like oysters, because they "resembled" reproductive organs, and chocolate, the fatty acids of which negatively affect organs like the liver and gallbladder. Also skip:

Bacon, sausage and other fatty meats, which contain high levels of saturated fats and cholesterol, which clog the penal and vaginal arteries since they are so small and quickly collect plaque. Once plaque forms, you can have difficulty achieving and maintaining arousal and orgasm.
Dairy. Saturated fats in most cheeses are comparable to those found in fatty meats. Your worst lunch option? A bacon cheeseburger and chocolate milkshake!
Processed baked goods. Even when the products say "No Trans Fats," chances are they're present. Ingredients may exclude trans fats, but because of the way baked goods are processed, trans fats are often created during baking.
Soy-based products are high in estrogen, which can lower male sex drive and increase the risk of disease and testosterone in women.

The better sex diet
To really get your blood moving, circulation-enhancing foods are key. Food that's high in omega-3 fatty acids like mackerel, salmon and wild salmon are tops. Improved circulation results in greater erectile response, helpful for improving sexual function in men — and in women, too, since blood flows to the clitoris and surrounding vulva.

 What you should reach for:
Carrots, a well-known libido enhancer, loaded with vitamin E
Green leafy veggies, which clean blood and open capillaries effectively
Avocados are fuel for cells with their essential fatty acids
Watermelon contains phytochemicals to open blood cells

The new focus is on all natural, healthy, good-for-sex foods. Ingredients like mustard greens, spinach, baby kale and pea shoots work well. Ditto for pumpkin seeds, figs, nutmeg, black raspberries, Jerusalem artichokes and yams.

Foods that promote weight loss also hold libido-boosting potential. Since obesity is a risk factor for erectile dysfunction, reducing weight can increase testosterone and enhance performance.

Foods that are good for your heart are also good for your sex organs. The same foods that clog arteries and bring on heart attacks (think greasy burger and fries) are generally going to cramp your love life over time and should only be eaten occasionally since they prevent blood flow from reaching the genitals, affecting performance and pleasure.

How Men’s Fitness Level Affects Men’s Sexual Health

How Men’s Fitness Level Affects Men’s Sexual Health

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults should engage in two hours and thirty minutes of moderate exercise each week along with two or more days of muscle strength training.  For those who exercise regularly this may sound like a low standard.  This is because the standard was developed for a moderately active person.  For those who spend most of their leisure time sitting down (perhaps watching TV) as many Americans do, the notion of more than one hour of exercise per day may sound like an insurmountable obstacle.  However, the standard is meant as a goal for the future.  It is not a starting point but a good endpoint for a man looking to improve his overall health.  This generic recommendation from the CDC is a useful guide that can lead to better overall health for men or women in the US.  The recommendation can improve different aspects of a man’s life, such as his cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, bone density, aerobic endurance, and perhaps one of the least discussed benefits, his sexual health.  Yes, physical fitness can improve a man’s stamina and performance in all areas of life including his sexual life.  This article discusses some of the ways that fitness level can be used as a tool for improving sexual health for men.

Researchers demonstrate that being overweight negatively impacts sexual health.  The degree to which a person is overweight is typically measured by body mass index or BMI.  This important measurement of health is made by calculating a person’s weight (usually in pounds in the US) and dividing it by their height.  The calculation results in a ratio that reflects the distribution of body weight on a particular person.  This figure provides what is considered the most reliable indicator of body fathness for most people.  This number is used by most health professionals to assess what weight category a patient fits into.

BMI can be a bit confusing because higher numbers exist for people who have a lot of muscle mass.  So, a man who is a bodybuilder will look obese compare to someone with must less lean muscle mass even though the former is likely to be in better shape.  Athletes often face this problem.  You can calculate your BMI easily by going to this website at the CDC and entering your weight and height.  After calculating BMI, you can compare the number to a rough guide for what the number means.  The basic advice on BMI numbers is that the ratios mean the following:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
Your goal of course is to keep your weight in the normal range.  If you are overweight or obese, a number of problems can arise.  Researchers have demonstrated that BMI may provide a warning sign of erectile dysfunction.  This can be discouraging for some people who struggle with weight loss, however it also presents an opportunity to address this problem

and solve related sexual health concerns.  A good plan for improving physical fitness and diet, developed with a health professional, can lead to a better body and better sexual health.  One researcher demonstrated that even after just one hour of exercise three times a week, middle-aged men demonstrated improved sexual function, an increased frequency of sexual intercourse, and more satisfaction with their sexual experiences.

Another weight that fitness improves a man’s sexual health is by increasing his endurance.  Since sex is an exercise that requires aerobic and anaerobic activity consistently overtime, an improvement in physical endurance can lead to a better sexual experience for men.  Whether this endurance comes from physical fitness or not depends on the type of exercises that a man engages in.  For example, if a man only lifts weights, he will have the strength to move a partner around as he desires, but may lack the ability to consistently engaging in repetitive motions that are common in sex because he will tire quickly.  On the other hand, if a man incorporates aerobic exercise into his workout, such as swimming, running, hiking vigorously, cycling, etc. he will have more aerobic fitness that will lead to a longer lasting and perhaps more frequent sexual experiences.  The more aerobic activity a man seeks to include in his life, the more he is likely to see some benefits in his sexual encounters.

A final way that fitness can impact sexual health is through fitness exercises that are focused on the genital regions.  Most men don’t think about exercising this area of the body because of all the focus on other muscles.  But there are ways to strengthen the areas of your body which are the most involved in sex.  For one, men can perform Kegel exercises in order to viagra for sale increase their ability to delay ejaculation.  Kegel muscles are the muscles used to stop urine from coming out of your penis.  The next time you urinate, try to stop urine from coming out and keep the muscles you’re using contracted.  You’ll quickly realize where these muscles are and how difficult they are to control.  Like any other muscles, they can be trained to endure challenges.  Regular Kegel exercises when you are sitting or lying down can help you improve your ability to control the flow of semen out of your penis and also better control the movement of your penis which can be pleasing to a partner.

Overall, fitness matters for male sexual health.  Although the topic is not discussed much in public, this is one of the primary benefits of being physically fit.  A regular physical activity regimen along with a healthy diet can go a long way towards helping you reach any sexual health goals you have and preventing you from having a number of problems which inhibit sex from being what you desire and expect.

Food for boosting health

Food for boosting health

No matter whether your own target would be to lose weight or increase your own exercise performance, the best ingredients will help gasoline one's body in the right way. The true secret is to begin with a general good #diet.

"The finest ingredients usually are wholegrain loaf of bread and also cereals, #vegetables and fruit, hard working liver and also low-fat milk ingredients, inches affirms dietitian Doctor Trent Watson. "If you're as well as dozens of as part of your day-to-day diet regime to be a baseline, you can be properly in route for you to carrying out properly and also having your finest benefits. inches
Several quick diet regime corrections on your own workout days and nights could also harmony energy and also aid retrieval.

Food with regard to cardiovascular
When weight loss is your target, it's best to accomplish exercising aerobically within a fasted talk about when you first get up. "That indicates you're utilizing body fat for the energy gasoline, inches affirms sporting activities nutritionist and also instructor Sasha Moon.

If your target would be to increase your efforts or length, a little carbohydrate-rich treat, for instance berry, within the hour before you decide to teach will give one's body glycogen, a stronger energy source.

"We are not able to burn up fat and also protein correctly any time we live from 100 per cent strength, inches Watson affirms. "If you would like to teach greatly for long periods, you need to optimise your own carbs ingestion.

A couple of hours immediately after performing exercises, opt for foodstuff having carbohydrate food and also protein, for instance grainy destroyed and also pig. Watson affirms it will "replenish this glycogen you've burned and also restoration this muscular tissues you've disturbed throughout exercise".

Metal deficiency is a threat with regard to feminine long-distance joggers, thus their diet regime requirements plenty of reddish beef, chicken, seafood, eggs, wholegrains and also dried beans and keep metal amounts up.

"Every period this hindfoot punches the floor, the miscroscopic capillaries beneath the foot or so can get harmed, while can certainly this tissue that contains haemoglobin and also metal, inches affirms sporting activities dietitian Daniela Manche by Sporting activities Dietitians Quotes. "Over time, that can result in small metal retailers and also metal deficiency. 

Omega-3 fat, that are within fish, mackerel and also sardines, may also be important with regard to joggers. "You're planning to have an overabundance of fast beating for the knees, sides and also ankles and also omega-3s generally is a beneficial precautionary anti-inflammatory, inches Manche affirms.

Food with regard to loads and also bikram yoga
While preparing with regard to this sort of routines, you need to harmony protein and also carbohydrate food. "Carbohydrates go this muscle tissue, [while] protein offers the framework, inches Watson affirms. "To go it, you've got to give it gasoline.

For anyone who is fatigued throughout or after a workout, you need some sort of protein and also carbs treat, for instance berries and also yoghurt. They're finest ingested an hour in advance. "Often persons discover it's much better to try to eat before some sort of loads program as opposed to cardiovascular simply because there is certainly not which leaping component, inches Manche affirms.

Handful of protein immediately after some sort of loads program will help muscle tissue retrieval, in particular for girls who will be new at all to resistance training. "Go with regard to 10 gary connected with excellent protein – it starts this retrieval procedure and can ease minimizing tenderness the next day, inches Manche affirms. "A 250ml wine glass connected with read over whole milk is ideal – they have some sort of protein called leucine that is certainly thought to lead to this gene which makes fresh muscle tissue. 

Next, comparable to recovering from cardiovascular, try and try to eat sweets and also protein within the following hour.

Food with regard to endurance
Long-distance sports athletes have to sustain carbs ingestion throughout the program. "Hitting this retaining wall? That may be the point where you've run out connected with carbs retailers, inches Watson affirms.

Specialists propose taking in one particular gram connected with carbs per kilogram connected with weight hourly. Considering weigh 62 kilograms, you will need 62 gary hourly. "If a person crammed some sort of 750ml bottle that has a sporting activities consume that is certainly ten per cent glucose option, you will get concerning 62 gary connected with carbs, inches Watson affirms.

For anyone who is performing a very long program with a scorching time, such as a playing golf match within the sun, Manche suggests consuming 2 ice-cold wines connected with normal water within the three months min's before you decide to exercise. "It reduces your own central heat range and also all of us imagine among the aspects of exhaustion is definitely an increase in central heat range, inches the girl affirms. "Pre-cooling reduces central heat range, in order that it takes longer to realize which utmost stage and you can dont stop learning . with regard to longer. 

Food with regard to yoga exercises
In relation to yoga exercises, stay away from ingredients which will feel uncomfortable as part of your abdominal if you're rotating and also doing central perform. "It's better to n't have ingested meals with regard to 2-3 several hours before some sort of class, inches affirms yoga exercises instructor Nikola Ellis, home connected with Really enjoy Yoga and fitness in Questionnaire.

Attempt to try to eat nutritious, organic ingredients with days and nights when you have some sort of class. "If your own body and mind usually are dreary simply because your complete energy has used up running major or refined ingredients, it's tough to own clarity and also harmony be the target connected with yoga exercises, inches Ellis affirms.

"For some sort of meditative class, the amount of foodstuff you desire is comforting and also a / c, thus that you will find a great deal of new, casually grilled produce. Steer clear of stuff like dog protein. However should you were being performing a sturdy real exercise, you likely will call for much more protein simply because you're creating which muscles and also you will need sweets with regard to energy.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Does Your Diet Affect Your Sex Life?

Does Your Diet Affect Your Sex Life?

Our diet affects everything; our energy level, body composition, strength, endurance, stamina, mental cognition, body odor, mood, sex drive, sleeping habits and overall vitality. The health and wellbeing of every living creature on earth significantly depends on their diet and the quality of all they consume. When you eat junk and processed foods, your body produces more fat, lowers your energy and even reduces your brain power. If your diet is consistently of low quality; long-term health issues and chronic illnesses can occur, affecting every aspect of your life.

Several medical journals state the number one cause of impotence is clogged arteries, which makes perfect sense as proper blood flow is needed for maintaining an erection. The same goes for a woman in being able to experience orgasm, as the vagina and clitoris are more sensitive when they become engorged with blood. Good circulation is essential for an enjoyable sex life, as well as a healthy heart. Couples that indulge in fast-food cheeseburgers and greasy fries on a regular basis may not have as enjoyable sex life as some who eat healthier.

There is a lot of truth to the old saying ‘you are what you eat’. As we all know, whatever we eat determines the composition of our cell membranes, bone marrow, blood, and hormones. Our bodies are literally manufactured out of the food we consume, considering approximately 300 billion cells are reconstructed every day. We are constantly recreating ourselves and can greatly influence our bodies and reshape our self-image based on what we choose to ingest.

Those who maintain a well-balanced diet of raw, fresh organic foods generally are more fit, healthy, strong, happy and naturally sexy. Health conscious and physically active people tend to have a more robust sexual appetite, as well as have sufficient stamina to endure vigorous love-making sessions – certified orgasmic! It has also been reported by various studies and surveys that people who eat healthier, primarily a vegetarian diet of fresh fruits and whole foods have a more pleasant body odor and also taste better during oral sex.

In an episode of Sex in the City, Samantha declares to her lover, “You’ve got funky-tasting spunk! Giving head [to you] is like a trip to the rotten-egg buffet.”

Albeit a rather harsh and disgusting statement, it is actually true that semen comes in various flavors! Men who eat pineapple, kiwi, plums, nectarines, oranges, lemons, limes, parsley, cilantro, spearmint, peppermint and green tea may have sweeter tastier ejaculate than those who eat meat, garlic, onions and dairy products. Although highly nutritious, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and asparagus can make for some nasty tasting emissions. It is also important to stay hydrated for a smoother flow rather than a clumpy mess. But who wants to swallow that stuff anyway?

Of course it is similar in the taste of a woman as her natural pheromones and vaginal secretions can differ with her diet as well. Good hygiene and eating light and healthy will certainly affect the way you smell and taste down below. Eating light before sexual activity will also provide sustained energy – much better than a big heavy meal that slows you down and can cause abdominal pain during intercourse. Sex after exercising is the best, as your muscles are loose and your blood, juices and pheromones are flowing. Exercising with your partner can be a bonding and arousing experience as well.

The bottom line is the more physically active you are and the healthier your diet is, the better you feel and the more satisfying your sex life is, thus naturally yielding a higher quality of life.

Supplements are also an important aspect of our diet. It is not necessary to take dozens of different vitamins every day when we strive to eat well, however well-balanced herbal supplements such as Add Lib for women can help increase energy, improve your mood and provide vital nutrients and antioxidants. It is especially beneficial for women over 30 who are feeling their bodies and metabolism gradually change. Add Lib contains all-natural herb extracts from Fenugreek Seed, American Ginseng, Damiana, Cordyceps, Maitake, Maca, vitamin B12, Wulinshen and Passionflower to help rebalance a woman’s complex system and supply sustained energy throughout the day.

If your guy needs a boost, tell him to try Mdrive – a similar daily supplement designed specifically for men looking to increase energy, strength, stamina and sex drive. Mdrive helps to naturally increase testosterone which regulates much of the body’s functions. Help him REFIND his PRIME with Mdrive and gain back what time has taken.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Best Diet for Sexual Health

Best Diet for Sexual Health

Have you ever thought that your local grocery store could spice up a boring sex life? If you’re like most people, odds are you answered ‘No.’ However, all of the tools you need to improve your sex life through diet can be found in the grocery store nearest you. Just as the rest of your health begins with a nutritious diet, the secret to a healthy sex life is also in the food you eat.

Food and Sensuality
The erotic and sensual power of food has been enjoyed, celebrated and passed on for centuries now. In Greek, Roman and Indian cultures, people used to consume a bounty of healthy foods before engaging in sensual pleasures. There is an age-old Indian saying “the quickest way to a man’s heart is delicious food”. The same truism applies today. It’s difficult to imagine a courtship without at least a few romantic dinners.

According to research, the taste, smell and appearance of certain foods have the potential to act as aphrodisiacs. These foods not only set the mood for love, but can also make you a better lover.

Nutrition is key not only in love-making, but in love as well. The kind of diet you eat reveals what kind of person you are – at the office, at home, and in bed.

The Ingredients of Love

A diet for sexual health consists of high vitality, fresh foods that supply nutrients essential for a healthy sex life.

Fresh fruits top the list. They are sometimes called the ‘love ingredients’ because they provide you the nutrients that are required by each part of your body to be at its best when that special time comes. Apples, apricots, bananas and cherries are great fruits – not just before or after, but even throughout the act. These fruits are rich in fiber as well as antioxidants.

The aphrodisiac quality of vegetables has less to do with nutritional content and more to do with shape. Look for phallic vegetables like carrots, cucumbers and celery.

Lean meats such as chicken and turkey are packed with protein. Eaten in moderation, protein provides support for your amorous adventures. Whenever possible, choose organic meats to avoid hormones, antibiotics and other additives typically found in these foods.

Complex carbohydrates make your love life simpler – they give you the energy you need to extend your love-making. Therefore, a diet for enhancing libido should emphasize complex carbohydrates as the main source of calories.

There are some indulgences such as chocolates that prove to be beneficial. Rich, delicious chocolates contain phenylalanine, an amino acid that increases endorphins – which act as an anti-depressant. When chocolates are eaten in moderate amounts, these endorphins create the right mood by enhancing libido.

Garlic, leeks, onions, peppers, soybeans and spinach have also been cited as foods that energize your body for making love.

Truffles, turnips and watercress help sustain optimal sexual health.

Seafoods like shellfish, abalone, oysters, clams, scallops, shrimp, lobsters and cold-water fish like cod and halibut contain zinc and iodine – both of which are essential for testosterone production in men and in women.

Omega-3 improves nervous system function. Hence, foods which are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids like wild salmon, mackerel and salmon help support a healthy sex life.

Nuts, seeds and beans are also excellent sources of protein. Both pine nuts and pumpkin seeds are good for sexual stamina.

Although a healthy diet provides most of the nourishment necessary for sexual wellness, a multivitamin/mineral supplement offers extra health insurance. Minerals and multivitamins are essential as they improve the neurological functioning and thus, enhance the blood circulation. 

Vitamins including A, the B-vitamin group, C and E are necessary for optimal sexual function. Vitamin E, for instance, supplies the sex organs with sufficient oxygen. B-vitamins, including niacin and B-5, can help men and women reach orgasm and improve sexual stamina. Selenium, manganese and zinc are vital for regulating hormones and revving up sex drive.

For improved erectile response, eat foods rich in L-Arginine. Research shows that L-Arginine improves sexual function in men. Foods rich in L-Arginine include cashews, walnuts, peanuts, oatmeal, granola, root vegetables, green vegetables, ginseng, garlic, soybeans, seeds, and chickpeas.

Erectile response is not solely for men, it is also observed in women. Soybeans are considered to be an excellent aphrodisiac for women. Research shows that soy binds with estrogen receptors which keep the vaginal area lubricated. It is also essential in combating menopause symptoms – especially hot flashes.

Research indicates that the same foods that support heart health are also beneficial in supporting the health of male sex organs.

Because excess saturated fat can build up in the arteries and obstruct blood flow, a diet high in saturated fat interferes with sexual performance. Normal sexual function requires adequate blood flow to the genital area.  Eat a moderate amount of “good” fats (mono- and polyunsaturated fats) from sources like salmon, olive oil and nuts.

There are some foods that can impair sexual function. Avoid deep-fried foods and rich cream sauces. They leave you feeling more sluggish than sexy.

Excessive sugar, salt, saturated fat intake – all of which are found in highly processed foods – is linked to difficulty reaching orgasm and lack of interest in sex. Cutting back on these foods will help revive and preserve sexual vitality and enhance overall well-being.

It’s also a good idea to limit the consumption of alcohol and coffee and to skip tobacco altogether. These ‘pleasure drugs’ can dampen sexual desire and leech away nutrients vital to your sexual health.

Safe Sex Positions For Maternal Health

Safe Sex Positions For Maternal Health

Options sex positions also need to be considered for the comfort and safety of pregnant women to the fetus . Moreover, when the stomach has begun to swell which usually makes sexual intercourse becomes not comfortable anymore.

  • a side-lying position and facing each other with a partner . Pull one leg up so that your partner can easily penetrate.
  • The position sideways to the couple . This position allows the couple perform vaginal penetration from behind . This position is quite safe to do during pregnancy because it does not cause pressure on the abdomen of pregnant women.
  • Woman on Top or ' the woman on top ' is more convenient because pregnant women can control the depth of penetration and ' in control ' movement.
  • Doggy Style or  ‘ woman sex position on knees and hands ' . The position is safe because it does not happen though direct pressure on the stomach belly has started to swell.
  • Position the lap of the woman sitting in pairs , usually done in mid or advanced pregnancy which do not require a lot of movement . This position can be done when the stomach is not too big . When the stomach getting bigger , change the position by way of a woman sitting on the lap of a couple but not facing each other.
  • If you or your partner prefers fixed Missionary position or the position of women at the bottom , your partner should adjust by way of supporting the weight by hand or knee and be careful not to suppress your stomach .

No need to worry if during foreplay may make colostrum ( yellowish liquid translucent color ) out of the nipple when your breasts are stimulated . Reasonable and not harmful anyway , even if it feels weird and not fun for some couples .

Friday, August 28, 2015

health benefits of sex

 Health Benefits of Sex

Sex is more than pretty much hormonal release and flashing delight. Actually, sex has substantially more to it than a large portion of us think and know. Around 300 AD a rationalist named Ko Hung composed, "the more a man has sexual relations, the more noteworthy will be the advantage he gets from the act...". In any case, present day science set aside a little time to come around to the way that sex is useful for both mental and physical wellbeing.

Sex is useful for grown-ups. Reveling all the time, in any event once per week, is far superior. The undeniable advantages like it can smolder calories, mitigate stretch and help you nod off all the more effortlessly arrive, however these are only the tip of the ice sheet. Given beneath are some more reasons why sex may help you carry on with a more drawn out, more content life:

1. Sex assuages torment: Immediately before climax, the level of the hormone oxytocin ascends to five times typical levels. This thus discharges endorphins, which allay torment. So if your cerebral pain, joint inflammation torment, or PMS indications appear to enhance after sex, you can thank those higher oxytocin levels.

2. Sex builds safety: Sexual intercourse here and there a week raises the body's level of the invulnerable boosting counter acting agent immunoglobulin An (IgA). This emission builds the general resistance level of the body which keeps chilly and influenza away.

3. Sex diminishes anxiety: Satisfying sexual movement can, obviously, be an elating state of mind lifter. Late research uncovered that individuals who have more sex reported that they felt more calm, more satisfied and figured out how to handle stretch better. Amid climax, there is a surge in oxytocin, which may represent both the more grounded passionate association in the middle of accomplices and strain help.

4. Sex advances life span: Having a climax discharges the hormone DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone), which functions as an upper and enhances insusceptibility levels in the body. DHEA can repair tissue, enhance perception, keep skin sound. Likewise, as indicated by an english investigation of 1,000 men discovered the individuals who had no less than two climaxes a week had a large portion of the demise rate of their comrades who enjoy not exactly once per month.

5. Sex expands blood dissemination: Sex builds blood course, gainful particularly for the mind, because of expanded heart rate and profound relaxing. As new blood supply arrives, your cells and organs are soaked with new oxygen and hormones, and as the utilized blood is uprooted, you additionally evacuate waste items that cause weakness and even disease.

6. Sex helps you rest better: Not just does the oxytocin discharged amid climax make you grope all coupled, however research has demonstrated to it additionally helps you rest. What's more, sufficiently getting relaxing rest has been connected with a large group of other great things, for example, keeping up a solid weight and circulatory strain.

7. Sex enhances cardiovascular wellbeing: In a late study, researchers discovered the recurrence of sex was connected with strokes in the 914 men they took after for a long time. The scientists likewise found that engaging in sexual relations twice or more a week diminished the danger of heart assault or stroke significantly for the men, contrasted and the individuals who had intercourse not exactly once per month.

8. Sex diminishes prostate growth hazard: Prostate organ related issue are known not brought on by or exacerbate as a consequence of the discharges from the organ. Standard sexual action kills these destructive discharges furthermore aides shield the organ from malignancy. As per specialists, successive discharges, particularly in 20-something men, may decrease the danger of prostate malignancy sometime down the road. Another study found that successive discharges, 21 or more a month, were connected to lower prostate growth hazard in more established men contrasted and less continuous discharges of four to seven month to month.

9. Sex helps in weight reduction and general wellness: While you may not have any desire to hang up your exercise center shoes just yet in the event that you're hoping to get more fit, standard sex can cause add action to your way of life. Thirty minutes of sex smolders 85 calories or more. It may not stable like much, but rather it includes: 42 half-hour sessions will smolder 3,570 calories, all that anyone could need to lose a pound (or 0.45 kg). Sex additionally helps creation of testosterone, which prompts more grounded bones and muscles.

10. Sex helps testosterone and estrogen: Regular sexual movement supports both testosterone and estrogen levels in both men and ladies. Testosterone is the thing that makes the sex drive in men and ladies more forceful. Other than boosting your drive, testosterone sustains bones and muscles. It additionally keeps your heart solid and great cholesterol high. In ladies, sex builds estrogen levels, which secures against coronary illness. It is estrogen that makes a lady need to be touched and feel sentimental, it is testosterone that brings out sexual excitement. Estrogen additionally assumes a gigantic part in a lady's body aroma.

Men's bodies likewise create estrogen. Some estrogen helps a man to add to the milder, additionally sustaining, ladylike side of his identity. As men age, the testosterone-estrogen parity starts to move, with testosterone diminishing and estrogen expanding, and this is one motivation behind why numerous men appear to smooth out as they get more established.

Great, sound sex with somebody that you adore has survival advantages. The touching, embracing, stroking and nestling advance sentiments of adoration, sustain and consideration. Any declaration of affection and passionate closeness energizes mending. Accordingly, sex with the touching and stroking identified with being infatuated puts a grin all over for medical advantages too.

Guidelines for Efficient Fat Loss

Guidelines for Efficient Fat Loss

Fat reduction is one the most frequent objectives among individuals at any given gym. However, many individuals take approaches to reduce human extra fat that are not maintainable and consequently many fail to reach their fat reduction objectives. Below are seven science-based suggestions to help structure a powerful fat reduction strategy.

Diet at an appropriate rate
Most individuals try to reduce as much whole body weight as quickly as possible. However, this may not be the most beneficial strategy to keeping muscular tissue while diets. Research that dropping more than 1% of your whole body weight per 7 days can outcome in a higher reduction of muscular tissue, strength and anabolic testosterone when compared to dropping 0.5-1% of your whole body weight per 7 days. This means that if you weigh 200 weight, you should be looking to reduce around 1-2 weight per 7 days to maximize muscular preservation while diets.

 Use a versatile approach
Many individuals considerably limit diet strategy or follow a set diet strategy program while diets. While this may work in the temporary, it is not maintainable lengthy lasting. Dieting flexibly has been proven to be associated with a reduced BMI than a firm diets strategy. In addition, a correlation was found between a firm diets strategy and overeating. Rigid diets has also been proven to cause to an improved prevalence of consuming disorders. When diets, use a versatile strategy of tracking macros rather than following an eating strategy plan program, and avoid complete elimination of meals or recommended meals categories – provided that you don’t have any medically diagnosed nutritional restrictions.

 Eat sufficient protein
Protein is important for muscular recovery. It can also help you experience complete while diets. Proteins needs may be improved in someone who is diets, coaching hard, and very trim however, many individuals overdo it with the number they consume while diets. In reality, a protein consumption of 1 g per lb is sufficient for most individuals trying to maintain as much muscular tissue as possible while reducing human extra fat. Those who are considerably overweight may want to reduced this number a little bit, while individuals who are very trim and coaching hard may require a little bit more. Bottom line: a 1 g of protein per lb consumption is a good place to start for most individuals who are looking to reduce human extra fat while keeping muscular tissue.

Don’t remove carbohydrate food or fat
It’s common for most individuals to considerably limit or even remove fat and/or carbohydrate food while human extra fat. However, removal of carbohydrate food can decrease performance during a exercise, which may cause to improved muscular reduction while diets. Furthermore, consuming high-fiber carbohydrate sources can help you experience complete while diets. On the other hand, very low nutritional fat consumption can have negative effects on anabolic testosterone and potentially contribute to higher muscular reduction. If you’re looking for maximal preservation of muscular tissue while diets, don’t remove carbohydrate food or fat.

 Keep meals as great as possible while still making progress
Dieting results in a number of physiologic changes, including metabolic adaptation to the reduced calorie consumption and calorie deficit. This leads to levels off in weight-loss along the way. Many individuals panic when weight-loss levels off. What they don’t realize, however, is that levels off are normal and weight-loss is often not linear – just because you lost two weight a couple weeks ago doesn’t actually mean you will reduce that quantity next 7 days. By keeping diet strategy as great as possible while still making appropriate improvement, you will have room to withdraw meals later, if needed, and reduce your chances of getting to a point that is absolutely miserable due to an extremely low calorie intake'

 Don’t pressure over the little details
Most individuals sweat over a lot of little information trying to reduce fat. However, many of these little information aren’t worth worrying about. For example, many individuals limit carbohydrate food or don’t eat after a certain time. Yet majority of folks actually reported more weight-loss when a majority of carbohydrate food were eaten in the evening. This doesn’t actually mean that consuming all of your carbohydrate food in the evening is better, of course. A better strategy is to spread your carbohydrate food out throughout the day and not worry about consuming them after a certain time. Another detail others pressure about is meals frequency; yet long-term research on meals regularity and weight/fat reduction have been inconclusive. In accordance with the available data, macronutrient and calorie consumption appears to have a considerably great impact on whole body weight loss/fat reduction than differences in meals regularity. Meal timing – precisely what and when to eat post-workout is another one of those information. However, latest reports have proven no effect of a post-workout tremble taken immediately after a exercise when macronutrient consumption is equal throughout the day and sportsmen are not coaching fasted. If sportsmen are coaching fasted, a post-workout tremble may be more important.

Supplements will not make up for a poor diet

We’re not telling you products are worthless. But taking too much products won’t make up for inconsistent nutrition and coaching habits. Instead, focus on consuming a variety of meals from all recommended meals categories, hitting your macronutrient/calorie numbers, and being consistent with what you eat strategy rather than looking to products to magically solve all of your fat-loss problems.

Tips To Boost Your Metabolic rate And Bust Through Fat-Loss Plateaus

Tips To Boost Your Metabolic rate And Bust Through Fat-Loss Plateaus

Were you visiting along with your current eating plan, making benefits and losing fat, when all of a sudden your weight-loss just stopped? Reaching a wall – or as it is more commonly called, a level – can be caused by doing too much of the same thing for too long. This can cause your metabolism to slow down, along with your progress.
Getting your whole body to respond again can become increasingly difficult, but there is something you can do about it. Try these 5 metabolic shifters to break through your plateau!

Drop Your Calories
You might not realize that if you want to fall bodyweight it requires more than just losing your calorie consumption by a little to matter – it requires a fall of about 500 on a constant basis! If you want to shed bodyweight and tap into your fat shops, you need to create a lack of approximately 500 calorie consumption per day – or about 3500 calorie consumption weekly – to burn just one lb of fat. If you’re not into consuming less, you can accomplish the same by doing more exercise. For multiplied results, consider consuming a bit less and doing a bit more! The tighter you are and more activity you can do the easier it will be to fall the fat while reducing starvation.

Switch Up Your Macros
Are you tracking your macronutrients? Although proteins is thermogenic, carbohydrates are not. In fact, the more carbohydrates that you eat beyond your required need, the more get saved. Our bodies have a limit for carbohydrate storage; these shops are located in the muscular, but also the fat and the liver. Once those muscular tissue are full, one's whole body will store excess as fat. If you have been following the same type of eating plan and consuming about the same number and carbohydrates, chances are you won’t be able to tap into that saved fat. The key is to vacant your glycogen storage space, and allow your whole body to access other nutrients as energy – such as your human extra fat. To do this, you will need to fall those carbohydrates to below 20%, if not more, based on your procedure how well your whole body accesses carbohydrates as energy. You’ll also need to create sure your proteins is great, (40% to 50% of your macros) while your fat consumption can create up the remaining portion.

Eat More Healthier Fats
Fats are an important part of any nutritious eating plan, but did you know that consuming more of them can actually outcome in smaller waistlines and greater androgenic hormone or testosterone levels? Maintaining eating plan plans body fat, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated body fat, reduces inflamation related indicators associated with being overweight and inhibits human extra fat submission around the waistline by reducing the expression of certain fat genes – specifically the side-line adiponectin gene. Not to mention, greater fat diets can also improve feelings during dieting! It has also been proven that men following a high-fat eating plan had less abdominal fat and greater free androgenic hormone or testosterone stages then those following a low-fat eating plan of the same calorie value. Ensure that your daily eating plan contains body fat from sources such as nuts, cashews, avocados, chia or pumpkin plant seeds.

Cycle Your Carbs
Carb riding a bike is an efficient way to avoid your whole body from hitting level. Carb riding a bike keeps your whole body wondering by changing from low-carb times to high-carb times. During low carbohydrate times, one's whole body effectively uses saved carbohydrates through exercises, cardio sessions and the general metabolic processes. When those carbohydrates run out, your whole body faucets into fat as an extra energy. On high-carb times, carbohydrates are filled again and simultaneously outcome in a raise in blood vessels sugar and stages of blood vessels insulin, causing a metabolic activation. These carbohydrates get pulled up by the muscular tissue, allowing them to energy exercises and activate muscular pushes. The key to an efficient carbohydrate pattern is to ensure your carbohydrates are kept to a minimum during your low days; less than 50 g per day is proven to be an efficient quantity for initiating ketogenesis, whereby there is not enough sugar in the blood vessels to raise blood vessels insulin. This can outcome in changing your body’s energy systems from using carbohydrates as its main source to using fat. Stick to low carbohydrate times for 3 to 5 times based on how efficiently your whole body uses up glycogen. On your 4th, 5th or 6th day, change to a greater carbohydrate day, where you can eat 8 to 10 times the quantity of carbohydrates you were consuming on your low carbohydrate day.

Try Sporadic Fasting

It’s certainly not for everyone but intermittent going on a quick is a simple enough approach when it comes to reducing bodyweight. Sporadic going on a quick can be performed by simply reducing your dietary consumption for time interval, up to about 12 to 16 hours per day for two times weekly, or on alternate times based on your weight-loss requirements. On other times, regular diets should be started again. Here in lies the difficulty – most people who quick for an extended time interval experience extreme starvation, complications, and brain fog and have difficulties returning to regular consuming behavior, which can outcome in consuming anything and everything in sight. If you can avoid consuming a number post quick, however, you can reduce calorie consumption to the same extent that you would need to create enough of a lack for weight-loss to occur.

Healthy Heart Guide

Healthy Heart Guide

The human heart can be compared to the engine of a car—both are power units that keep bodies moving. Your heart works as a pump that pushes blood to the organs, tissues, and cells of your body. The blood pumped by the heart delivers oxygen and nutrients to every cell and removes the carbon dioxide and waste products made by those cells. But if blood flow to the heart is slowed or stopped or the heart beats irregularly, your life may be in danger. Like your car engine, how you treat your heart will determine how long and how well it will continue to work for you.

"Many people take better care of their cars than their bodies," says Dr. Denton A. Cooley, founder, president-emeritus, and surgeon-in-chief emeritus of the Texas Heart Institute. "They are careful to change the oil, have regular tune-ups, and use the proper gasoline. But when it comes to their bodies, they fuel them with high-fat and high-salt meals, they smoke, and they don't exercise routinely. Medical advances can't do away with heart disease. Good health depends largely on people taking positive action."

Heart disease is any disease that affects the heart or blood vessels. Even though there has been an effort to make people aware of causes and prevention, heart disease is still the leading cause of death in America for both men and women. In fact, heart disease kills someone every 39 seconds in the United States—that's nearly 2,200 people a day. Heart disease is responsible for more deaths in America than cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, and accidents combined. New tests and treatment methods have reduced the number of deaths from heart disease, but they do not affect the number of people who still get heart disease.

Risk Factors and Lifestyle

Certain factors play important roles in a person's chances of developing heart disease. These are called risk factors. Some risk factors can be controlled or changed while others cannot.
"Although you cannot control risk factors such as sex, age, and genetics, there are many lifestyle risk factors you can change to prevent or postpone heart disease," says Dr. Cooley. "Medical studies show that eating a diet low in fat, salt, and cholesterol, not using any type of tobacco, exercising at least three times a week, maintaining your ideal weight, and decreasing your blood pressure can reduce your risk of heart disease."


Exercise or a lack of it plays a key role in our health. Research has shown that we need to exercise aerobically (such as brisk walking, jogging, or cycling) at least three times a week for 30 minutes to condition our hearts. Short bouts of exercise that add up to 30 minutes a day are just as good for you as a continuous 30-minute workout.

"One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to fuel our body with low-fat food and exercise regularly," says Dr. Cooley. "Exercise burns off calories, reduces the appetite, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress levels, and raises HDL (good cholesterol) levels. It makes us look and feel better. It's almost too simple."


Making a few sensible changes in your diet can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Heart-healthy habits include limiting your salt intake to less than 2,300 milligrams a day. (If you have high blood pressure, your doctor may suggest that you have even less—about 1,500 milligrams a day.)

Your diet should consist primarily of fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, lean meats, and fish. Try to decrease your level of fat (especially saturated fat) and cholesterol (fatty red meats, whole milk, whole milk cheeses, eggs, cream-based dishes, and rich desserts).

"You can reduce your blood cholesterol level by 5-10 percent by eating a heart-healthy diet—eating more dietary fiber and less fat and cholesterol," says Dr. Cooley. "By eating foods high in fiber, people tend to feel full and may eat fewer high-calorie and high-fat foods."


Drinking alcohol affects your heart. Medical research shows that a moderate amount of alcohol each day may protect against heart disease and heart attacks. Experts say that moderate intake is an average of one to two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women. One drink is defined as 1½ fluid ounces (fl oz) of 80-proof spirits (such as bourbon, Scotch, vodka, gin, etc.), 1 fl oz of 100-proof spirits, 4 fl oz of wine, or 12 fl oz of beer. But drinking more than a moderate amount of alcohol can cause heart-related problems such as high blood pressure, stroke, irregular heartbeats, and cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle). And the average drink has between 100 and 200 calories. Calories from alcohol often add fat to the body, which may in turn increase the risk of heart disease. If you don't drink, don't start. If you do drink, do so in moderation.


Stress can affect your heart. People with heart disease often say they have heart pain during emotionally stressful situations. Heart attacks are also more likely to happen during times of stress, when our hearts race and our blood pressure rises, increasing the heart's demand for oxygen. Stress can also injure the arteries because of the extra hormones and the increased blood flow during the stress response. As the arterial walls begin to heal, they thicken, making them prone to plaque buildup, which narrows the artery. Researchers believe stress can make heart conditions worse.

Being Aware

"Most of us consider ourselves healthy, as long as we are not experiencing symptoms of illness. However, sometimes the first noticeable symptom of heart disease is a heart attack," says Dr. Cooley. "Once you begin to notice symptoms, damage has already occurred. Thus, it is important to be aware of the risk factors for heart disease and to take the necessary steps to reduce your risk. Simply by controlling one or more of your risk factors, you can add months and possibly years to your life."

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Good Sources of Potassium

Good Sources of Potassium
Get the facts about potassium and learn some good dietary sources of this nutrient.

Potassium is a mineral that most of us get every day through the foods we regularly eat — and that's a good thing. "Potassium is a mineral necessary for good health," explains Alexa Schmitt, a clinical nutritionist at Massachusetts General Hospital. "It aids in maintaining heart health by helping to regulate the fluid balance in the body."

Potassium is classified as an electrolyte, which means that it carries an electric charge in your body. The body needs balanced amounts of electrolytes — including potassium, sodium, magnesium, and others — to keep the blood chemistry at the right levels so that your body can function at its best. Potassium also helps your body put the protein you eat to work, building muscle, bones, and other cells.

Who Needs to Pay Attention to Potassium?
Even though potassium helps our bodies in many ways, Schmitt says she cannot simply make a blanket recommendation about eating more potassium. That's because different people need different amounts of potassium, depending on their overall health.

So who needs to watch their potassium intake?
People with kidney disease are at risk of having too much potassium in the blood. They tend to retain potassium because their kidneys don't get rid of extra potassium as normal kidneys would.

Hyperkalemia, or high levels of potassium in the blood, can be caused by a number of things (including certain medications and hormonal deficiencies), but kidney disease is the most common culprit. High levels of potassium can lead to irregular heartbeats. Therefore, your doctor may periodically check your potassium levels, especially if you have kidney disease.

People with high blood pressure are at increased risk for having low potassium levels (hypokalemia) because some high blood pressure medications can deplete potassium levels in the blood. Other conditions that can cause low potassium include vomiting, diarrhea, and eating disorders. Certain laxatives and diuretics have been found to cause low potassium as well. Low potassium is characterized by weakness, fatigue, constipation, and muscle cramps. If your potassium level becomes too low, it can also affect your heartbeat. Talk with your doctor about monitoring your potassium levels if you take high blood pressure medication or have a condition that may cause low potassium.

Foods High in Potassium
Though a lot of people associate bananas with potassium, there are a number of other foods that are high in potassium, which Schmitt defines as having at least 350 milligrams of potassium per serving.

In addition to bananas, Schmitt’s high-potassium food favorites include dried apricots, cantaloupe, beets, fish, honeydew melon, and orange juice. "Cantaloupe and honeydew are great [for potassium] because people tend to eat more cantaloupe in one sitting than they would bananas or dried apricots,” she says. Other foods that are high in potassium include potatoes (with the skin on), soy products, dairy products, and meats.

Many of us already enjoy foods that are high in potassium, but if you’re worried about your potassium intake because of conditions such as high blood pressure or kidney disease, talk to your doctor or see a nutritionist. They can help you plan a healthy diet.

Are Food Additives Really Safe?

Are Food Additives Really Safe?

Many of today's foods are enhanced by food additives, and some even boost their nutritional content. But others are more questionable and can affect your health.

If you're like most Americans, you read the ingredients list on food packages. But what exactly is alpha-tocopherol? Ascorbic acid? Sodium nitrite? And how do these and 3,000 other approved food additives affect you and your health?

Food Additives: What Are They?
A "food additive" is any substance added during the production, processing, or storage of food. A manufactured product or a product derived from nature, it can be salt used to preserve or sugar used to sweeten. Additives can be vitamins or minerals used to enrich, a fat replacement used to enhance texture, or a color or dye to enhance appearance.

 Regardless of whether an additive contributes nutritionally or just cosmetically, it cannot be used in a food product until it has been deemed safe for the general public by the U.S. Department of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and sometimes other agencies, such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Food Additives: FDA Regulations
While new additives must pass rigorous testing before approved, the 1958 Food Additives Amendment that set the stage for FDA approval of food additives stipulates that:
Certain food additives in use before 1958 and “believed to be safe” will not undergo further review. These include sodium nitrite and potassium nitrite, which are used to preserve lunch meats (and some are nonetheless questioned by consumer watchdog groups).

Several hundred other food additives, including salt, sugar, spices, and baking soda all used in cooking for centuries are “generally recognized as safe (GRAS).”
Before any other additive can be used in a product, the FDA will investigate the makeup of the additive, the amount the consumer will most likely ingest in a product, and possible short- and long-term health effects.

Food Additives: Guaranteed Safety?
Does this mean every additive in every food is absolutely safe for every one of us?
“Like all of science, food science evolves,” says Kathryn M. Kolasa, PhD, RD, professor and section head of nutrition education and sciences at the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C. “As science progresses, we do find things to be bad. Then you re-look at your laws, regulations, and labeling.”

Sulfites, for example, were once widely used to prevent discoloration and spoilage in fresh foods; produce managers at grocery stores commonly sprayed produce with sulfites, while restaurant managers sprayed sulfite solution on foods at salad bars. When the FDA began fielding reports of severe allergic reactions among severe asthmatics, and even some deaths after ingestion of sulfites, new regulations were put in place. The FDA banned the use of sulfites on fresh produce, while most restaurants and grocery stores voluntarily quit using sulfites on their salad bars and produce. Better labeling is also now required on products that have come in contact with sulfites.

Other additives may adversely affect only a minute percentage of the population and only if consumed in large amounts, which is why they might be approved by the FDA.

When all is said and done, additives are believed to be safe for most people most of the time. Some, like ascorbic acid, can even enhance our health. This additive, used to provide color in meat and nutrition in beverages, is nothing more than vitamin C, which might reduce the severity of colds. Alpha-tocopherol, used to prevent oils from going rancid, is vitamin E, which may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Food Additives: What to Watch Out for
Still, there are certain additives that some people should avoid altogether and others that we should all only consume in moderation.

Most everybody should watch their intake of salt and sugar, for example; a diet high in salt causes high blood pressure and increases the risk of heart disease, while too much sugar causes tooth decay, obesity, and in some cases, heart disease. Some nutrition experts believe we should also avoid 
sodium nitrite, saccharin, caffeine, olestra, acesulfame K, and all artificial coloring. While these have been approved by the FDA, testing on some of these additives has been called into question by outside researchers, particularly those at one consumer advocacy group, the Center for Science in the Public Interest. If it affects you — if, for example, you get a headache when you consume a food with the sweetener aspartame — don’t have the product," says Kolasa.

In a perfect world, we would all eat only fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and fish, delivered straight from garden, or ocean, to table. In reality, food additives help bring cheap, healthy food into our homes. They keep food fresh and even add nutrients to our diet. While we can be assured most of the time that what we are putting in our mouths is safe, each of us is different, which means we each need to be our own best advocate.

“If it’s a food you eat all the time, take time to read the label and decide whether it fits in your life,” says Kolasa. "Then, make sure you look again in six months, because it might change.”

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Why are Diet and Exercise Important to Health?

Why are Diet and Exercise Important to Health?

Good nutrition is essential for health. Insufficient nutrition can hinder growth and development. Excessive calorie consumption, however, can lead to overweight and obesity, especially when paired with too little physical activity. Inadequate physical activity itself also contributes to increased risk of a number of conditions including coronary heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.

Healthy food and regular exercise are important to health. Yet, half of adults and nearly 72% of high school students in the US do not meet the CDC’s recommended physical activity levels, and American adults walk less than adults in any other industrialized country. As of 2013, 29 million Americans lived in a food desert, without access to affordable, healthy food. Those with lower education levels, already at-risk for poor health outcomes, frequently live in food deserts.

More than two-thirds of all American adults and approximately 32% of children and adolescents are overweight or obese. Obesity is one of the biggest drivers of preventable chronic diseases in the US. Being overweight or obese increases the risk for many health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, liver disease, kidney disease, osteoarthritis, and respiratory problems.

Unhealthy food intake and insufficient exercise have economic impacts for individuals and communities. Current estimates for obesity-related health care costs in the US range from $147 billion to nearly $210 billion annually, and productivity losses due to job absenteeism cost an additional $4 billion each year.

Increasing opportunities for exercise and access to healthy foods in neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces can help children and adults eat healthy meals and reach recommended daily physical activity levels.

The County Health Rankings use four measures to assess diet and exercise:

Adult obesity, defined as the percentage of the adult population that has a body mass index greater than or equal to 30.

Food environment index, an index of equally weighted factors that contribute to a healthy food environment, including limited access to healthy foods and food insecurity.

Physical inactivity, defined as the percentage of the adult population that during the past month did not participate in any leisure-time physical activity or exercise such as running, calisthenics, golf, gardening, or walking for exercise.

Access to exercise opportunities, defined as the percentage of the population who live reasonably close to locations for physical activity, including parks or recreational facilities.

Lung Cancer Diet Tips

Lung Cancer Diet Tips
What Foods and Nutrients are useful for Preventing and Managing Lung Cancer

A lung cancer diet will be one that includes foods high in antioxidants including Vitamin C and Vitamin E and the cancer fighting carotenoids, as well as healing fats including sufficient Omega 3’s the latter consumed in healthy ratio with Omega 6 fats.

Vitamin D blood levels should be adequate too. Low levels of both are associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. Food and supplements can provide these, as well as in the case of Vitamin D, adequate sun exposure.

Some foods to include regularly in your lung cancer diet are a surfeit of brightly colored fruits and vegetables chockablock with Vitamin C and cancer protective carotenoids; the Indian spice turmeric; cold water fish and their oils or other Omega 3 rich seeds; selenium rich Brazil nuts, sunflower and sesame seeds, and fish and sea food; traditional soy foods including tofu, tempeh and soy sauce; and green tea.

Lung Cancer Diet Tips - Focus on Fruit and Veg
With the above in mind, the number one tip for any lung cancer diet is to focus on eating an abundance of fruits and vegetables.

Myriad studies have confirmed the association between a high intake of fruit and vegetables and a reduced risk of lung cancer.  Some studies have shown those with a highest intake of fruit and veg having up to a 50% lower risk of lung cancer than those who consume the lowest amount.

A 2007 study published Lung Cancer found a protective effect from frequent fruit intake. In the case of men and small cell and squamous cell lung cancers, the same study found a protective effect of apples, giving a lung cancer spin to the folk prescription of “….an apple a day, keeps the doctor away…”

As well as tasting great and providing superb texture, color and depth to your meals, eating fruit and vegetables regularly and in abundance can provide an unbeatable cocktail of cancer-preventative antioxidants and phytochemicals which supplements cannot equal. See the below discussion on Vitamin C as well as lycopene and other carotenes for which fruits and vegetables are the prime source.  When you have cancer, fruits and vegetables can function like a thrice daily chemotherapy bathing your cells in health-promoting and disease-preventative nutrients enabling your immune system to better fight tumors. 

Lung Cancer Diet Nutrients – Spotlight on Vitamin C
 The US government advises that smokers consume 35 mg of vitamin C more than the RDA to offset the oxidizing effects of smoking. Many experts believe that the government guidelines for vitamin C are too low for healthy people, let alone those indulging in a free-radical generating activity like smoking.

See benefits of vitamin C for details about how this vitamin functions as an antioxidant, what foods are good sources of vitamin C and on how much vitamin C is best.

For the purposes of a lung cancer diet, vitamin C is an essential component of the tissue matrix and, therefore, important for maintaining healthy lung tissue and healthy blood vessels that are concentrated in lung tissue.

 As well, vitamin C is the cornerstone of any antioxidant regime because of its ability to reload spent anti-oxidants like vitamins E and beta-carotene that may have become oxidized. In fact, vitamin C, along with selenium and other nutrients, may be the missing link to avoid the increased risk of death by lung cancer found among smokers (but not non-smokers) who’ve supplemented beta carotene alone and, for that matter, Vitamin E.

Lung Cancer Diet Nutrients – Spotlight on Selenium
Several studies have established an association between low selenium and cancer, including lung cancer.

Supplementing selenium in people with low selenium blood levels reduces the risk of cancer including lung cancer. In one study, the reduction in lung cancer risk when a low selenium population in the US supplemented was as high as 50%.

 How does selenium play a role in the lung cancer diet? Scientists think it works on several fronts:
Selenium enhances levels of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant, which low levels have been linked to increased risk of cancer.  Glutathione levels decrease with age.
Selenium helps form the protein C43 that stops “cell contact inhibition” and helps cancerous cells behave normally.

Selenium promotes cancer cell apoptosis – cancer cell death.

So what foods contain selenium? …. 
Selenium is found in many kinds of nuts, seeds, fish and shellfish, meats and whole grains. 
Beware, however.  Your food may not contain the selenium you think it does. …. If the soils in which these foods are raised are selenium-depleted, the level in food will be low. Some regions have naturally low soil selenium levels; others’ low levels are due to intensive farming techniques.   Much of the UK and Europe and swathes of the US have low selenium soil levels with low selenium food as a result.

When it comes to a lung cancer diet, have your selenium levels checked. Consume enough selenium rich food. Supplement if necessary until you are in the normal range but, like with all minerals, not too much, so as to avoid toxicity.

Lung Cancer Diet Nutrients – Spotlight on Curcumin
Curcumin is the active ingredient in the Indian spice turmeric and has been found to have astounding anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties. For this reason, it is a wise choice as part of a lung cancer diet.

  • Incorporating Curcumin into your Diet – Use Turmeric
  • Order Indian curries when ordering take out, instead of burgers, fries or pizza – Order a mild kind if you prefer less spice and remember the rice is a natural way to lessen the intensity of a curry. Make your own turmeric-rich curries with vegetables including cauliflower, chickpeas, lentils, peas, carrots and eggplant. Incorporate some chicken, lamb or lean beef for a meat flavor but keep a heavy vegetable presence. Add turmeric to onions, garlic salt with olive oil and sweat in pan. Add mix to soups, and bean, lentil and vegetable dishes for a curcumin-kick. The yellow color is splendid. Use a splash of agave juice if the turmeric too bitter for your taste.
  • Use turmeric in marinades along with garlic, olive oil, onion and other spices. Turmeric combined with other spices works well with meats as well as tofu and tempeh.

A 2008 article in Cancer Research described curcumin’s ability in the lab to inhibit lung cancer cell invasion and metastasis.

The high intake of turmeric in Indian cooking, especially curries, is thought to be one reason for the 8 fold lower rate of lung cancer in India over developed countries, as well as lower rate of other cancers. This is despite the high rate of smoking and pervasive air quality problems in much of India.
Combining turmeric with black pepper and ginger, as is done in traditional curry preparation, magnifies turmeric’s anti-inflammatory effects. A 1998 study found combining piperine (an alkaloid in black pepper) with turmeric enhanced turmeric's bioavailability an astonishing 2,000%.

Lung Cancer Diet Nutrients – Spotlight on Dietary Carotenoids 
With the exception of supplemental beta carotene in smokers, which has been found to increase risk of lung cancer (see below), the protective role of dietary carotenoids when it comes to lung cancer diet is well established. Dietary studies have observed an up to 50% reduction in lung cancer risk between high and low intake of carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables suggesting that they are wise foods to include in your lung cancer diet.

So what are carotenoids? ….
Carotenoids are a series of phytochemicals found abundantly in brightly colored vegetables and fruits that are thought to function as antioxidants. They also improve the communication among cells including making cancer cells respond better to signals from the immune system.

Carotenoids include not only beta-carotene but alpha-carotene, lycopene, and lutein/zeaxanthin and beta-cryptoxanthin among others. One 2006 study on lung cancer by researchers in San Francisco and Spain found the above combined carotenoids had a protective role when it came to lung cancer.
Alpha –Carotene - found in carrots, winter squash, tomatoes and green beans. Higher dietary levels have been associated with reduced risk of lung cancer.
Beta-cryptoxanthin – found in red bell peppers, papaya, cilantro, oranges, avocado, watermelon, corn and Serrano peppers has been found in a study published in the 2003 issue of Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers to reduce risk of lung cancer by 10 to 40 % for people with the highest percentile of dietary beta-cryptoxanthin intake. This  takes into account the effects of smoking
Lutein – found in kale, collard green, spinach, turnip greens, broccoli and egg yolks is linked with a lower risk of lung cancer. However lutein as a supplement, like beta-carotene supplements, has been linked with an increased risk of lung cancer, specifically in the 2009 VITAL study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. From a lung cancer diet perspective, best to get your lutein from dietary sources i.e. fruits and vegetables.
Lycopene – found in tomatoes, especially cooked varieties like pasteurized tomato juice and tomato sauce. A 2000 Korean study of mice published in Biofactors found lycopene shrunk lung cancer tumors significantly. The effect increased when lycopene was combined with chemotherapy.
Beta-carotene – high blood levels of beta carotene are associated with lower risk of lung cancer suggesting to researchers that it has a protective role when it comes to lung cancer.  However, further studies suggest the association may be more a function that those who have high beta-carotene level eat lots of fruits and vegetables, which protect against lung cancer because of nutrients other than beta-carotene like Vitamin C,  selenium and a host of other phytochemicals.

While supplementing beta carotene has been linked with lower cancer risk among non-smokers, several studies have found it increases the risk of lung cancer in smokers when taken alone. Avoid supplementing beta carotene, if you smoke
Lung Cancer Diet Nutrients – Spotlight on Vitamin D 
Vitamin D has been linked with slowed growth of lung cancer as well as improved lung cancer survival.
A 2011 University of Michigan study examining an enzyme that blocks vitamin D metabolism found enzyme CYP24A1 in much higher concentrations in lung cancer tumors than healthy tissue. Patients with high levels of enzyme CYP24A1 in lung tumors (and therefore poor metabolism of vitamin D) at five years had half the survival rate, as those lung cancer patients with low levels.

Lung Cancer Diet Nutrients – Spotlight on Omega 3s
Omega 3s have been found to slow the growth of lung cancer tumors along with stomach, pancreatic and colon cancers.
A 2011 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that patients with inoperable lung cancer undergoing chemotherapy, who consumed EPA/DHA fish oil capsules, had significantly fewer markers for inflammation and oxidative stress than those who took a placebo. The fish oil group also gained weight, an important factor when undergoing cancer therapies that can zap one’s appetite and ability to consume nutrients via food.

 Good sources of Omega 3s are cold water fish including tuna, salmon, sardines, anchovies and herring along with their oils in supplement form; alternative sources are unroasted nuts and seeds including pumpkin, flax, hemp and chia seeds along with their cold pressed oils which eventually convert to Omega 3 in the body.

Current views is that it is not only the absolute levels of Omega 3 in your diet that are important in order to prevent or manage health conditions like lung cancer, but also the relative ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6s in in ones’ diet. Unlike Omega 3s, Omega 6 oils are in relative abundance in the typical Western diet with all the refined food on the menu – in general most food processing techniques destroy Omega 3s but not their Omega 6s cousins. The result is often too much inflammatory Omega 6s in the diet – not good when aiming to achieve a lung cancer diet.

 Lung Cancer Diet Nutrients – Spotlight on Soy
Soy has been found to have a preventative role in lung cancer as well as other cancers including those of the colon, breast and bladder.
Lab experiments have suggested the protease inhibitors were one reason for soy’s reduction in the risk of lung cancer.

A recent study published in Journal of Clinical Oncology found that Chinese women who ate more soy prior to being diagnosed with lung cancer lived longer than women who ate less soy. 60% of those who consumed the equivalent of 4 ounces of tofu per day (the high soy group) were still alive 12 months after diagnosis; while only 50% of those who ate 2 ounces or less (the low soy group) were alive then. Most of the women were non-smokers, so more research is needed to see if the effects of soy are as beneficial in the case of cigarette smokers.

Lung Cancer Diet Nutrients – Spotlight on Green Tea
A 2009 meta-analysis of studies on green tea, black tea and lung cancer risk published between 1966 and 2008 concluded there was a reduction in lung cancer risk with green tea. Drinking 2 cups of green tea per day lowered the risk of lung cancer by 18%.  The study found no link between black tea consumption and a lowered risk of lung cancer, although some of the studies included in the meta-analysis did.

The researchers concluded that it was the polyphenols in green tea, which are significantly higher in green tea than in black, that played a lung cancer protective role.

While fewer than in green tea, black tea contains polyphenols tool. This likely explains why some studies have found a minor protective role for black tea too.